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Our Top 3 Kid's Books That Share The Gospel

Posted by Danielle Stringer on

Our Top 3 Kid's Books That Share The Gospel

I love finding a Christian children's book that plainly presents the gospel of Jesus Christ to our kids. We currently have 9, 7 and 5 year old boys, and we try our best to incorporate talks of salvation with them as often as we can.

Here are 3 books that we love for fostering those conversations! If you have others, please let me know in the comments!

To briefly see inside the books, watch my quick video here.

1. The Ology

This one goes beyond just a bible story and tells small life stories that relate to theological concepts. It is broken into chapters, and then the chapters are broken into smaller segments, which makes it perfect for bedtime when you need to find a good stopping point. It takes biblical concepts and puts them into easy-to-understand language for kids, without watering down the truth or weight of the story.

2. The Garden, The Curtain, and The Cross

I love how this book takes you from the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve were kicked out to the Old Testament temple curtain separating the people from the presence of God. There is a big emphasis on our sin being the reason we are separated from God. The climax comes, when God sends His Son to pay the penalty for our sin, and the curtain tore giving us access to God again! 

In the beginning, we hear "Because of your sin, you can't come in." multiple times, but when Jesus died and rose again that line changes. Now, "all of Jesus' friends can come in"! 

3. A Tale of Two Kings

I loved the approach this book takes! It talks about God's plan for man, and how Adam failed to live up to His perfect standard. God's grace is then displayed when He sends Jesus to fulfill what Adam could not. He would "undo what Adam had messed up", and "bring us back to God".

You can find all these books and more that our family loves on my Amazon Idea List. These all make great gifts too! I actually make it a point to gift "The Garden The Curtain, and The Cross" to new moms at baby showers. I think it is a must have for all Christian families!



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