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What Happened When I Read the Bible Cover to Cover

Posted by Danielle Stringer on

What Happened When I Read the Bible Cover to Cover
I was not prepared for the transformation God would do in my heart through the reading of His word. I have since realized there is a verse that says “the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

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Our Top 3 Kid's Books That Share The Gospel

Posted by Danielle Stringer on

Our Top 3 Kid's Books That Share The Gospel

I love finding a Christian children's book that plainly presents the gospel of Jesus Christ to our kids. We currently have 9, 7 and 5 year old boys, and we try our best to incorporate talks of salvation with them as often as we can. Here are 3 books that we love for fostering those conversations!

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What is a Clinging Cross?

Posted by Danielle Stringer on

What is a Clinging Cross?
It was exactly what I needed in a very low time emotionally. Some days I would just hold the cross and cry. There is nothing magical about it. It was just a tangible symbol of the hope I have in Christ.

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Singing with understanding

Posted by Danielle Stringer on

Singing with understanding

I have literally stopped singing in a church service before, because I didn’t know what I was singing. As soon as church let out, I was on a mission to know exactly what the lyrics meant. Once I read and understood, I sang with passion! There is no shame in looking up words you don’t know. I’ve had to do that multiple times with the old hymns. When we worship with our minds and understanding, we give glory to God! I also LOVE when you are reading scripture and see songs matched to them! “The hour is coming, and is...

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What do you need to tell Jesus?

Posted by Danielle Stringer on

What do you need to tell Jesus?
If I could persuade you to one thing today, it would be to tell Jesus all of your burdens. You are not meant to bear them alone. I am adding the lyrics to this song.

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